Are you ready to become a more sustainable grower?

NFT Lettuce production

This training course covers all steps how to produce a successful hydroponic (Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)) lettuce crop with modern horticulture practices and is designed for growers which have already basic experience with hydroponic lettuce production or the production of other greenhouse crops and thinking of growing hydroponic lettuce in the future.

During 2 half day training sessions, you will be trained in all facets of hydroponic lettuce production, from preparing the greenhouses for planting a new crop till harvesting the lettuce heads.
Theory and in the field training will be combined during this training course and our experienced Vietnamese agronomists will provide the training.

As part of this training course each trainee will receive a full colour training manual with the content of this training course.

  • Growers growing hydroponic lettuce
  • Greenhouse growers which like to enhance their knowledge of hydroponic lettuce production
Course requirements
  • None
Course subjects
  • General introduction hydroponic lettuce market
  • Greenhouse and NFT system
  • Variety selection
  • Seedling production
  • Growing media
  • Irrigation strategy
  • Fertiliser application
  • Crop management
  • Common pests, diseases, viruses and disorders
Course location
  • Da Lat, Lam Dong
Course duration
  • 2 days
Next course date

21-22 February 2019